Silox XT


Silox XT is an alkaline-based concentrated silicone cleaner. It is formulated for the removal of silicones in oils, emulsions and compounds.


  • Silox XT is 100% biodegradable and can be diluted with about 10% concentrate mixed with water before use.
  • The chemical has little or no effect on water treatment systems and does not require treatment or removal by a specialist.


  • Has no flash point and has no unpleasant odor.
  • Heating the diluted chemical between 40 and 90° C improves the cleaning result and speed.
  • In certain circumstances, the chemical can be reused for further cleaning after filtering out the silicone residues from previous cleaning activities.


Silox XT application methods include immersion, circulation or the use of a CIP system. Stirring during immersion will aid the cleaning process. Spraying or brushing is recommended for floors, walls, vessels, reaction vessels and machines.

The chemical contact time is between 5 and 60 minutes, depending on the amount of silicone to be removed. After cleaning with Silox XT, it is important to rinse well with water and, if necessary, to disinfect.

If you would like to receive more information about this product, or if you cannot find what you are looking for right away, please contact us. We will be happy to help you.

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WVT Industries is a specialised manufacturer of chemical products. Instructions for the use and application of the chemical products are provided in good faith. This information is based on experience and research, but is not intended to be a definitive statement on the use of the chemical. In addition, this information cannot be regarded be considered to be complete processing advice. While the company, its management and its employees share their knowledge and provide recommendations, this information can never give rise to any liability or consequential damages with regard to third parties. All the information that is provided with regard to the chemical does not exempt the customer from inspecting the product and the instructions for use in order to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.