Looking for more efficient, ecological and budget-friendly alternatives? Thanks to our research and development department, there is little we can't accomplish for you.

Discover our professional chemical cleaning products, consisting of a range of more than 650 different formulations.

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Research and development
Our products

Why should you choose our R&D?

More and more companies are experiencing limitations in using their current chemical cleaning products. They are expensive, they don't meet increasingly stringent environmental standards, or they don't meet their stated goals.

Thanks to our research and development department, WVT Industries has built a strong reputation over the years for developing and producing superior and more efficient generic chemical cleaning products, which are also suitable for release under private label.

  • Cost reduction

    Work with highly efficient generic solutions, allowing you to work in less time, at lower temperatures and with less mechanical assistance.

  • Meets all the environmental standards

    Work with chemical cleaning agents that comply with the CLP regulations (in terms of both product and safety data sheets).

  • Work more efficiently

    Work with customised products that have been developed and produced to meet your needs and your specific situation.

  • Seize new business opportunities

    Release your generic product under a private label to create a new commercial opportunity for your company


Be sure to also discover our private label solutions!


Download our success cases

How do customers benefit from our customised R&D?